The radial growth of fibers that occurs in response to chronic mechanical overload is largely mediated by myofibrillogenesis.
(A) The plantaris muscles of mice were subjected to a chronic mechanical overload (MOV) or sham surgery, allowed to recover for 16 days, and then mid-belly cross sections were subjected to FIM-ID. (B) lmmunolabeling for dystrophin was used to identify the periphery of muscle fibers, autofluorescence (Auto) was used to distinguish glycolytic fibers (Gly) from highly oxidative fibers (Ox), and the signal from SERCA1 plus Auto was merged and used to identify the periphery of the myofibrils, scale bar = 25 µm. (C-G) Graphs contain the results from all of the fibers that were analyzed, as well as the same data after it was separated according to fiber type. (C) fiber CSA, (D) the area per fiber occupied by myofibrils, (E) the area per fiber occupied by intermyofibrillar components, (F) myofibril CSA, and (G) the number of myofibrils per fiber. The data are presented as the mean ± SEM, n = 11-15 muscles/ group (All = 24-54 fibers/ muscle, Ox and Gly = 10-24 fibers/ muscle, Gly = 10-24 fibers/ muscle, and an average of 356 ± 17 myofibrils/ fiber). Student’s t-tests were used to analyze the data in the ‘All’ graphs and two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data in the fiber type graphs. Insets show the P values for the main effects of MOV, fiber type (FT), and the interaction (Int). * Significant effect of MOV, P < 0.05. Graphic illustration in (A) was created with
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