A. Comparison of INTS11-dependent changes in promoter-proximal protein-coding transcription with the expression level of each gene. The gene set is equivalent to the analogous panel in Supplemental Figure 2B. The x-axis shows Log2FC in levels (-INTS11/+INTS11) and the y-axis shows expression level. Note that genes with the largest increase in promoter-proximal signal following INTS11 loss are low expressed (coloured orange). Data derives from POINT-seq following treatment or not with dTAGv-1 (2.5hr).
B. Venn diagram showing the number of protein-coding genes where promoter-proximal POINT-seq signal increases by ≥Log2FC of 1 after INTS11 loss after 1.5h or 2.5h dTAGv-1 treatment. A strong overlap is seen indicating reproducible effects at the two time points.
C. qRT-PCR analysis of PSCA, SLC16A7, INTS6L, and KICS2 pre-mRNAs in INTS11-dTAG cells treated or not with dTAGv-1 for 1.5hr or 2.5hr. To enrich nascent transcripts, primers detect intronic RNA. Quantitation shows fold change versus spliced actin relative to untreated samples. Error bars show standard deviation. n=4. n.s denotes not significant.
D. qRT-PCR analysis of PGK1, ENY2, PLEKHF2, and NUDCD1 pre-mRNAs in INTS11-dTAG cells treated or not with dTAGv-1 and at the same time exposed or not to DRB (all 2.5hr). To enrich nascent transcripts, primers detect intronic RNA. Quantitation shows fold change versus spliced actin relative to samples untreated with dTAGv-1 or DRB. DRB treatment substantially reduces signal, which is restored when INTS11 is co-depleted. Error bars show standard deviation. n=3, * denotes p≤0.05.
E. As for C but following treatment with the CDK7 inhibitor, THZ1, and/or depletion of INTS11 with dTAGv-1 (all treatments 2.5hr). Error bars show standard deviation. n=3, * denotes p≤0.05.
F. qRT-PCR analysis of chromatin-associated (nascent) RNA isolated from INTS11-dTAG cells transfected with the HIV reporter construct together with TAT then treated or not with INTS11 and/or NVP-2. Quantitation shows signals relative to those obtained in untreated cells after normalising to MALAT1 RNA. n=4. Error bars show standard deviation. **denotes p≤0.01.
G. Flag immunoprecipitation performed in INTS11-dTAG cells transfected with flag-tagged wild-type or E203Q INTS11. The gel shows input and co-precipitated samples probed for components of different Integrator modules (tail module – INTS10; backbone module – INTS1; phosphatase module – INTS8 and cleavage module – INTS9). These components are poorly associated with E203Q INTS11 vs. wild type.