Olfactory fear conditioning biases olfactory receptor choice toward conditioned-odor-responsive cell-specific identities.
(A) Timeline of olfactory fear conditioning, EdU injections, and MOE collection. (B) Schematic representation of the distinct layers of the MOE, showing the stem cell, immature OSN, and mature OSN populations (left). Representative image of the MOE from an MOR23GFP+/+ mouse showing EdU-positive cells (red) and a newborn (EdU+) MOR23 OSN (green). Scale bar: 20 μm. (C) Representative images showing staining of EdU (red, first column), endogenous GFP (green, second column), DAPI (blue, third column), and the merged channels (fourth column) in both M71GFP+/+ and MOR23GFP+/+ MOE. Scale bar: 40μm. (D) Percentage of EdU-positive M71 OSNs in naïve, unpaired, and paired groups (One-way ANOVA. P<0.0001. Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Naïve vs. paired P<0.0001. Unpaired vs. paired P<0.0001. n=6,6,6.). (E) Percentage of EdU-positive MOR23 OSNs in naïve, unpaired, and paired groups (One-way ANOVA. P=0.0120. Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Naïve vs. paired P=0.0154. Unpaired vs. paired P=0.0653. n=4,6,8.).