iEEG implantation, behavioral task and computational modeling.
(A) Anatomical location of intracerebral electrodes across the 17 epileptic patients. Anterior insula (aINS, n=75), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC, n=70), lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC, n=59), ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC, n=44), (B) Number of pairwise connectivity links (i.e. within patients) within and across regions, (C) Example of a typical trial in the reward (top) and punishment (bottom) conditions. Participants had to select one abstract visual cue among the two presented on each side of a central visual fixation cross and subsequently observed the outcome. Duration is given in milliseconds, (D) Number of trials where participants received outcomes +1€ (142±44, mean±std) vs. 0€ (93±33) in the rewarding condition (blue) and outcomes 0€ (141±42) vs. -1€ (93±27) in the punishment condition (red), (E) Across participants trial-wise reward PE (RPE - blue) and punishment PE (PPE - red), ± 95% confidence interval.