Transverse sections of seeds of Alasemenia tria gen. et sp. nov.
a, b, Part and counterpart. c-e, Sections of seed in a and b (at three lines, in ascending orders). Arrow in d indicating probable nucellar tip (Slide PKUBC17913-12b, 10a, 9b). f, g, Part and counterpart. h-k, Sections of seed in f and g (at four lines, in ascending orders) (Slide PKUBC19798-8b, 6b, 4a, 4b). l, m, Part and counterpart. n-r, Sections of seed in l and m (at five lines, in ascending orders), showing three wings departing centrifugally (Slide PKUBC17835-5a, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10a). s, v, A, One seed sectioned. t, u, Sections of seed in s (at two lines, in ascending orders) (Slide PKUBC18716-8b, 7a). w-z, Sections of seed in v (at four lines, in ascending orders) (Slide PKUBC20774-7a, 6b, 3a, 3b). B-E, Sections of seed in A (at four lines, in ascending orders), showing three wings departing centrifugally (Slide PKUB17904-5b, 4a, 4b, 3b). Scale bars, 2 mm (a, b, f, g, l, m, s, v, A), 1 mm (c-e, h-k, n-r, t, u, w-z, B-E).