Different effects of optogenetic stimulation of D1- vs. D2-SPN projecting cortical neurons on locomotion and reinforcement learning.
(A) Schematic of largely segregated yet partially overlapping excitatory inputs to striatal D1- vs. D2-SPNs. (B) Schematic of dorsal medial striatum (DMS) injection of Cre-dependent AAV-ChR2 and optogenetic simulation in D1- or A2a-Cre mice. (C) (top) Example of locomotion path under control (black) and following 20Hz optogenetic stimulation (gray) of DMS D1-SPNs in open field. Scale bar, 5cm, same for below. (bottom) Stimulation of D1-SPNs in DMS facilitates locomotion (n = 5, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 3.386, P = 0.0046). **, P < 0.01. (D) 20Hz stimulation of D2-SPNs in DMS suppresses locomotion (n = 5, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 2.559, P = 0.0227). *, P < 0.05. (E) Schematic for dorsal lateral striatum (DLS) optogenetics. (F-G) 20Hz stimulation of D1-SPNs in DLS facilitates locomotion (F, n = 5, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 4.736, P = 0.0003), while stimulation of D2-SPNs in DLS does not significantly suppress locomotion in open field (G, n = 5, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 1.026, P = 0.3224). ***, P < 0.001. (H) Schematic of rabies-ChR2 labeling of the inputs to D1 or D2-SPNs and optogenetic stimulation in MCC. (I-J) 20Hz stimulation of MCC neurons projecting to D1-SPNs facilitates locomotion (I, n = 9, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 2.344, P = 0.0344), while stimulation of MCC neurons projecting to D2- SPNs does not alter locomotion (J, n = 10, unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 1.214, P = 0.2447). *, P < 0.05. (K) Schematic of rabies-ChR2 labeling of the inputs to D1 or D2-SPNs and optogenetic stimulation in M1. (L-M) 20Hz stimulation of the M1 neurons projecting to D1-SPNs facilitates locomotion (L, n = 7, Unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 3.276, P = 0.0055), while stimulation of the M1 neurons projecting to D2-SPNs does not significantly alter locomotion (M, n = 8, Unpaired two-tailed t-test, t = 0.5796, P = 0.5714). **, P < 0.01. (N) Schematic of a mouse performing intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) behavior. (O-P) D1-SPN (red) but not D2-SPN stimulation (black) drives ICSS behavior in either DMS (O, D1, n = 6; D2, n = 5; Mann Whitney test, Day 9 D1 vs. A2a, P = 0.0130) or DLS (P, D1, n = 6; D2, n = 5; Mann Whitney test, Day 9 D1 vs. A2a, P = 0.0433). *, P < 0.05. (Q) Timeline of helper virus injections, rabies-ChR2 injections and optogenetic stimulation for ICSS behavior. (R-S) Optogenetic stimulation of the cortical neurons projecting to either D1- or D2-SPNs drive ICSS behavior in both MCC (R, n = 5 per group, no significant effect of genotype F(1,8) = 1.074, P = 0.3303) and M1 (S, n = 5 per group, no significant effect genotype F(1,8) = 2.767, P = 0.1348). n.s., not statistical significant.