Analysis of actin folding, thermal stability and nucleotide exchange
(A) Homology model of human cytoskeletal γ–actin (based on PDB–ID: 2BTF). Subdomains (SDs) of actin are colored in grey (SD1), dark grey (SD2), light green (SD3) and green (SD4). The hinge region encompassing residues 137– 145 and 333–338 is colored in blue. The mutant residue E334 is shown as an orange sphere. (B) Inhibition of DNase–I activity by monomeric γ–actin WT and p.E334Q. Data is the mean of three individual experiments ± SEM. A Hill equation was fitted to the data, which yields the half–maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50, Table 1). (C) The protein denaturation temperature of monomeric and filamentous p.E334Q and WT actin were determined by DSF. Representative experimental traces are shown. The protein denaturation temperature is derived from the peak of the melting curve (Table 1) (p.E334Q (G-actin), N=3; WT (G-actin), N=5; p.E334Q (F–actin), N=5; WT (F–actin), N=5). (D) Nucleotide exchange rates (k-T, k-D) were determined for monomeric p.E334Q and γ–actin WT using fluorescently labeled ATP (ε–ATP) (p.E334Q, N=18; WT, N=21) and ADP (ε–ADP) (p.E334Q, N=11; WT, N=11) Representative experimental traces are shown. Rates were determined by fitting a single exponential function to the data (Table 1).