Validation of ProteasomeID
a. Comparison of expression levels of PSMA4-BirA* (lanes marked by star) and its endogenous counterpart (lanes marked by arrowhead), following 24 h incubation with (+tet) or without (−tet) tetracycline. Ponceau S staining was used as loading control.
b. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis of lysates from HEK293T cells stably expressing PSMA4-BirA* following 24 h incubation with tetracycline. SEC fractions were analyzed by DIA mass spectrometry and elution profiles were built for each protein using protein quantity values normalized to the sum of quantities across all fractions. Depicted are elution profiles of PSMA4 (proteasome subunit, blue) and BirA* (biotinylating enzyme, dashed line). The peaks corresponding to different proteasome assemblies were assigned based on the elution profiles of other proteasome components.
c. Immunoblot for proteasome subunits PSMA4 (left panel), PSMC2 (right panel) and FLAG tag (middle panel) of cell lysates separated by native PAGE from PSMA4-BirA* and BirA*-Ctr cell lines with and without tetracycline addition. Tet = tetracycline, 30S = indicates position of proteasome structures containing one core and 2 regulatory particles, 26S = indicates position of proteasome structures containing one core and 1 regulatory particle, 20S = indicates position of proteasome structures consisting of only single core particle.
d. Biotinylated lysines identified by ProteasomeID. All the residues within a 10 nm radius of the PSMA4 C-terminus are highlighted in cyan. Red color indicates the C-terminus of PSMA4 where BirA* is fused (not present in the structure), and the identified biotinylated lysines are depicted in orange. Only the structure of the modified subunit is depicted with a surface model and all the other subunits are depicted as helix-loop structures. Biotinylated residues were obtained from the ACN fraction of PSMA4-BirA*. The proteasome structure depicted was obtained from the PDB:5T0C model of the human 26S proteasome 61 and rendered using Chimera 62.
e. Proteasome activity assay performed on lysates from cell lines expressing different BirA* fusion proteins, following 24 h incubation with (+tet) or without (−tet) tetracycline. Equal amounts of protein extracts were incubated with proteasome substrate LLVY-7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) and substrate cleavage assessed by fluorimetry. n = 3 biological replicates, error bars indicate standard deviation of the mean, paired t-test.
f. Cycloheximide-chase experiment on c-Myc stability. PSMA4-BirA*cells were incubated with 50 μg/ml cycloheximide (CHX) for the indicated times in the presence or absence of MG132 (20 μM) and tetracycline (1 µg/µl). Cells lysates were then prepared for Western blot analysis of steady-state levels of c-Myc.Tet = tetracycline, CHX = cycloheximide.