Task structure: A) During the localizer task, a word describing the stimulus was played back via headphones and the item then shown to the participant. In 4% of trials, the audio and visual cue did not match and in this case, participants were instructed to press a button (attention check). B) Graph layout of the task. Two elements could appear in two different triplets. The graph was directed such that each tuple had exactly one successor (e.g., apple→zebra could only be followed by cake and not mug), but individual items could have different successors (zebra alone could be followed by mug or cake). Participants never saw the illustrated birds-eye-view. C) During learning, one node was randomly chosen as the current node in each trial. First, its predecessor node was shown, then the current node was shown, then the participant was given the choice of three items and must choose the correct node that followed the displayed cue tuple. Feedback was then provided to the participant. This process was repeated until the participant reached 80% accuracy for any block or reached a maximum of six blocks of learning. D) The retrieval testing followed the same structure as the learning task, except that no feedback was given.