Characterization of chandelier cells (ChCs, i.e. cortical AACs) in cerebral cortex.
(a) Representative 2D stereotactic plot of cortical ChC distribution in Unc5b; Nkx2.1. Dots represents individual RFP-labelled cells. Anterior-posterior distance from Bregma (vertical scale on right).
(b) Normalized ChC cell density (cells/um3) following registration to ARAv3 isocortical areas. For b and c, data are mean ± SEM.
(c) Comparative bar plot showing relative proportion in each cortical layer in sensorimotor cortices.
(d) Violin plots of ChC cell density proportion along pia-to-white matter cortical depth in each sensorimotor cortical areas. Median is used for each violin plot.
(e) Scatterplot of ChC distribution along pia-to-white matter depth (vertical axis) and anterior-posterior distance from Bregma (horizontal axis, in mm); red dots represent individual cells. While a vast majority (∼80%) of ChCs occupy a band near the layer I/II border, ChCs in other layers account for ∼20% of the total cortical population and vary in depth distribution by anterior-posterior cortical location.
(f) Representative ChC laminar distribution pattern, showing largely separated supragranular (top inset) and infragranular (bottom inset) laminar subtypes. (Scale bars, 200µm and insets, 100 µm.)
(g-i) Multiple ChC laminar subtypes revealed by single-cell labeling using low-dose tamoxifen induction.
These include supragranular subtypes (g), infragranular and inverted subtypes (h), and translaminar L2/3 subtypes that extend long vertical axons (white arrowheads) to deep layers (i). White arrowheads highlight axonal plexi distant from soma in translaminar types. (Scale bars, 65µm.)
(j) Example of regional ChC morphological diversity in auditory cortex, with relatively high proportion of translaminar subtypes. (Scale bar, 200µm.)
(k-n) ChC axon terminal (i.e. “cartridge”) labeling and mapping using intersectional synaptophysin-EGFP/cytoplasmic-tdtomato reporter mouse line.
(k) Diagram of intersectional genetic labeling of ChC cartridges (EGFP) and soma (tdTomato).
(l) Pixel classifier trained to segment EGFP-expressing ChC cartridges in cortex and CA1 hippocampus. White arrowheads indicate detected EGFP-labelled cartridges. (Scale bars, 100µm).
(m) Density of ChC cartridges (cartridges/um3) registered to ARAv3
(n) Representative relative depth plots (from pia) of individual detected cartridges at a single AP coordinate for each cortical area. Refer to Appendix for ARAv3 area label abbreviations. Note reduced deep layer cartridges in FRP, RSP, and V1.