BCR-ABL/MSI2-HOXA9 cell growth and differentiation is dependent on MSI2 RRM1
(A) Schematic of MSI2-HOXA9 fusion protein and mutant versions generated to test domain dependencies. ΔRRM1 and ΔRRM2 are deletions of the MSI2 RNA binding domains 1 and 2 respectively, while ΔHOXA9 introduces a stop codon at the break point to eliminate the HOXA9 DNA binding domain. (B) Primary colony formation of KLS cells expressing BCR-ABL/Control or BCR-ABL + variations of the MSI2-HOXA9 fusion protein. *=significance from BCR-ABL/Control, ***P=0.0002, ****P<0.0001; $=significance from BCR-ABL/MSI2-HOXA9, $P=0.01, $$$P=0.0001 for ΔRRM1, $$$P=0.0002 for ΔRRM2 (n=3 technical replicates). (C) Chimerism of BCR-ABL/Control, BCR-ABL/ΔRRM1, or BCR-ABL/ΔHOXA9 cells 14 days post-transplantation. ***P=0.0009 significance from BCR-ABL/Control, $$$P=0.0004 significance from BCR-ABL/ΔRRM1 (n=6 mice for BCR-ABL/Control, n=7 for BCR-ABL/ΔRRM1, n=4 for BCR-ABL/ΔHOXA9). (D) Primary colony formation of KLS cells expressing BCR-ABL/Control or BCR-ABL + MSI2-HOXA9 fusion protein or full length wild-type MSI2. *=significance from BCR-ABL/Control, *P=0.02, ****P<0.0001; $=significance from BCR-ABL/MSI2-HOXA9, $$$P=0.0002 (n=3 technical replicates). (E) Secondary colony formation of KLS cells expressing BCR-ABL/Control or BCR-ABL + MSI2-HOXA9 fusion protein or full length wild-type MSI2. *=significance from BCR-ABL/Control, ****P<0.0001; $=significance from BCR-ABL/MSI2-HOXA9, $$$P=0.0002 (n=3 technical replicates). (F-I) Lin-BCR-ABL/Control or BCR-ABL + variations of the MSI2-HOXA9 fusion protein were sorted from primary transplants and used to generate cytospins that were then stained with Giemsa and May-Grunwald stains. *=significance from BCR-ABL/Control, $=significance from BCR-ABL/MSI2-HOXA9 (n=4 mice per group). (F) Quantification of blast cells. *P=0.01, **P=0.001, ***P=0.0008, $$$P=0.0004. (G) Quantification of immature granulocytes. *P=0.01, **P=0.004, $$P=0.005. (H) Quantification of mature granulocytes. *P=0.02, **P=0.004, $$P=0.006, $$$P=0.0005. (I) Quantification of differentiated macrophages and monocytes. *P=0.01, **P=0.002. (J) Survival of mice transplanted with BCR-ABL/Control, BCR-ABL/ΔRRM1, or BCR-ABL/ΔHOXA9 expressing KLS cells. *P=0.01 significance from BCR-ABL/Control, $$P=0.007 significance from BCR-ABL/ΔRRM1. Two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-tests were used to determine statistical significance.