Additional supporting evidence for the neurotransmitter predictions.
A,A’,A’’. EASI-FISH labeling (Eddison and Ihrke, 2022; Wang et al., 2021) of ChAT (red), VGlut (green) and GAD1 (yellow) in the lobula plate cell body rind, in the region where the HS and VS somata are found. Nuclei are also labeled (blue). An LPi2b neuron labelled by a split-GAL4 driver line (SS 53141) is shown in magenta.
Images show different channel combinations of a single confocal section (A, all channels; A’ transmitter indicators only; A’’, nuclei only). Large cells in this region appear to be either GABAergic (GAD1 marker, orange) or cholinergic (ChAT marker, red). B. For comparison with (A), we use the soma locations from the FAFB LPT set: LPi2b (magenta), other large optic lobe intrinsic LOP neurons (orange; these include Am1, 2 LPi12, Lpi21, and an undescribed cell that appears to be a large layer four LPi), 4 HS neurons (maroon), and 8 VS neurons (red). The large optic lobe intrinsic neurons are only partially reconstructed and not included in the LPT survey reported in this study, but could be matched to known cell types (Shinomiya et al., 2022). Given that these are all the large cell bodies we found in this region, and several of the LPis are expected to be inhibitory, we suggest that the GABAergic cells in the EASI-FISH images are the large LPi and Am1 neurons and the cholinergic cells are the HS and large VS cells.