Intrinsic timer initiates upon TB exit and duration shortens in cell flow.
(A) Experimental design: Tg(her1-YFP;mesp-ba-mKate2) PSM was dissected into different anter-oposterior quarters, dissociated, and then cultured. PSM4 was dissected and cultured in parallel from each embryo to serve as an internal reference. (B) Representative intensity traces for the different anteroposterior quarters. (C) Her1-YFP last peak times as median (green line) with inter-quartile box and whiskers. Time given as post-dissociation. Data pooled by cell type (N = 3 embry-os, n = 32 PSM2 and 32 PSM4 cells; N = 3 embryos, n = 65 PSM3 and 41 PSM4 cells; N = 3 embry-os, n = 38 TB and 59 PSM4 cells). PSM2 last peaks that occurred prior to the start of imaging were set to acquisition start time (*). (D) Correlation of Her1-YFP Last Peak and Mesp-ba-mKate2 signal-onset time. (E) Cells backtracked from posterior PSM (blue, n = 17) and S1 (orange, n = 15) to the TB at 15 somite stage in a representative embryo (7.5 h imaging, Tg(her1-YFP;h2b-mCherry, N = 2). Arrowhead at recently formed somite boundary. Scale bar 100 µm. (F, G) Her1-YFP intensity traces for individual cells (green) and mean intensity (black). Inset zoom of oscillations in the TB. (H) Cell distance from posterior tail tip. (I) Mean Her1-YFP period.