Modeled Mushroom Body Output Neurons Can Predict Behavior
(A) Four experimental protocols differing for CS/US inter stimulus interval (ISI) were used for training the model (B-D) and for behavioural measurements of the proboscis extension reflex (PER) conditioning (E,F). Trained simulated MBONs, as well as conditioned honey bees were tested against the conditioned stimulus (CS, blue) and a novel odorant (NOd, green).
(B) Time course of action potential (AP) probability of a trained MBON upon stimulation with the CS (blue) or with the novel odorant (green). Olfactory learning was modeled according to backward, early, delay, and trace conditioning protocols. Glomerular responses for 8 bees to 1- hexanol and peppermint oil were used alternatively as CS and NOd. Data for responses to CS and NOd were pooled together (n = 16 traces for each protocol). Thick trace: average AP probability profile; dotted vertical lines: stimulus onset/offset; grey bar: modelled learning window.
(C) Distribution of the mean values of traces in (B) during CS and NOd stimulation. Because appetitive learning produces a decrease in MBON firing rate, the complementary value of the probability fraction provides a proxy for a learned appetitive response (Kruskal-Wallis statistical test: pbackward = 0.0545; pearly = 1.42*10-6; pdelay = 1.04*10-5; ptrace = 0.0595; n = 16).
(D) Latency of 90% of minimal MBON activity in response to the CS for early and delay conditioning protocols (Wilcoxon test early vs delay, p = 0.0015; delay vs trace, p = 0.0005. Letters indicate statistical groups according to the Wilcoxon test. Barlett’s test for variance difference early vs delay, p = 1.73*10-6; delay vs trace, p = 0.1808; early vs trace p = 1.29*10-8).
(E) Memory retention test of honey bees 1 h after absolute conditioning. Bars indicate the percentage of individuals showing proboscis extension reflex (PER) when presented with the conditioned (blue) or the novel odorant (green). Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. (Responses to the CS/NOd were compared with a McNemar test for binomial distribution; pearly = 0.003, pdelay = 0.004)
(F) Latency of the PER to the conditioned stimulus at the 1 h memory retention test (Kruskal- Wallis statistical test: early vs delay, p = 0.036; early vs trace. p = 0.041; delay vs trace, p = 0.992. Letters indicate statistical groups according to the Kruskal-Wallis test. Barlett’s test for variance difference across protocols: early vs delay, p = 5.19*10-6; early vs trace. p = 0.020; delay vs trace, p = 0.007; nearly = 26; ndelay = 20; ntrace = 31).