Models for the formation of LDC domains.
Several different mechanisms could explain the LDC domains. A-D) In the loop-extrusion model, the LDC domains arise because cohesin sometimes breaks through a CTCF roadblock. In A) there are three primary TADs,: TAD1, TAD2, and TAD3. B and C) Occasional breakthrough events can generate a secondary TAD, LDC1:2 (TAD1+TAD2) or LDC2:3 (TAD2+TAD3). D) Even less frequent breakthrough events can generate a tripartite TAD (TAD1+TAD2+TAD3) that will correspond to LDC1:3. E-G) LDC domains arise because TADs sometimes bump into their neighbors. In E, TAD1 bumps into TAD2 to give LDC1:2, while in F, TAD2 bumps into TAD3 to give LDC2:3. G) Less frequently, TAD1 bumps into TAD3 to give LDC1:3. H-J) LDC domains arise because boundaries can switch partners. H and I) In H, boundary A (dark green arrow) skips boundary B (red arrow) and pairs with boundary C (tan arrow). This generates a new TAD, TAD1+TAD2, which corresponds to LDC domain 1:2. In I, boundary B (red arrow) skips boundary C (tan arrow) and pairs with D (dark blue arrow). This generates a new TAD, TAD2+TAD3, which corresponds to LDC domain 2:3. In J, boundary A (dark green arrow) skips both boundary B (red arrow) and boundary C (tan arrow), which don’t pair with each other, and pairs with boundary D (dark blue arrow). This generates a new TAD, TAD1+TAD2+TAD3, which corresponds to LDC domain 1:3.