Correlation between speech-induced auditory suppression and sensitivity to delayed auditory feedback.
A. Sensitivity indices for all electrodes are shown on a template brain (both right and left hemisphere electrodes were shown on the left hemisphere). Red tones indicate larger neural activity to increasing amount of delays in the Delayed Auditory Feedback task, while blue tones indicate the opposite. B. Suppression indices for all electrodes are shown on a template brain. Red tones indicate larger neural activity during listening compared to speaking in the Auditory Word Repetition task, while blue tones indicate the opposite. C. Electrodes that show either sensitivity to delayed auditory feedback (positive SensI value) or speech-induced auditory suppression (positive SuppI value), or both are shown on a template brain. D. Scatter plot and fitted regression showing a significant correlation between sensitivity to DAF and speech-induced auditory suppression across auditory electrodes. Each circle represents an electrode’s sensitivity and suppression index.