Dil labelling of the Apela+ region in the E9.5 tail bud.
A, C. Apela staining in the wild type tail bud at E9.5. C shows a series of transversal sections through the Apela-positive region shown in the whole mount image in A. B, b. Keratin 8 stained cells ventrally and posteriorly to the tail gut endoderm. b shows magnified image of the region marked by square in B. D-o’. Dil labelling of E9.5 embryos. Embryos shown in D- k’ were injected in the region specified in b (black arrowhead). In M-o’ Dil was injected in tailbud ectoderm (black arrowhead). D, D’, H, H’, M, M’ shown whole mount images of embryos right after the injection (D, H, M) and after 20 h in culture (D’, H’, M’). Insets in D and H show that gut tube is negative for Dil staining. Inset in M show staining in the ectoderm. E-g’, I-k’ and L-o’ show sagittal (E-G, I-K, L-O) and transversal (e-g’, i-k’, l-o’) optical sections though the tail regions of cultured embryos shown in D’, H’, M’ respectively. E-e’, I-I’, L-l’ DAPI staining, F-f’, J-j’,N-n’ Dil labelling, dashed line shows the outline if the tail and tail gut endoderm, G-g’, K-k’, O-o’ – overlay of two channels. White arrowheads in f, f’, j, j’ shown incorporation of Dil-stained cells into gut endoderm whem mesenchyme was injected. When ectoderm was injected, Dil-stained cells contribute to ectoderm (white arrowheads in n, n’), and only minorly to gut endoderm and mesenchyme.