Quantification of swimming behaviour in Platynereis larvae in response to pressure.
(A–J) Metrics of the pressure response in two-day-old larvae (A–E), and three-day-old larvae (F–J). Dashed line at 60 s in each plot indicates the end of stimulus. (A,F) Range of step increases in pressure applied to larvae. The step increases were applied in randomized order to each batch of larvae. (B,G) Change in mean speed relative to mean speed before stimulus. (C,H) Mean vertical movement. (D,I) Straightness index. The closer the value is to 1, the less tortuous the track is. (E,J) Upward track index. Defined as the number of upward tracks divided by the number of downward tracks. (K-L) Colour-coded trajectories of 2 day-old (K, Video 2) and 3 day-old (L, Video 3) larvae prior and during a step increase in pressure. Trajectories to two different pressure levels are shown, a moderate (top row), and a high (bottom row) step increase. Each projection is 10 seconds long starting 10 s before stimulus (–10s, left-most column) and ending in the 30 s after stimulus (30 s, right-most column). Colour code in B–E as in A, and in G–J as in F. Each data point is the average of 2 to 12 (A–E), or 4 to 5 (F–J) batches. Figure 1—source data 1 (A-E), Figure 1—source data 2 (F-J).