Cryo-EM study of EcoFtsEX complex in peptidiscs.
(A) Topological diagram of FtsEX, highlighting the α helices represented as cylinders and β sheets depicted as arrows. Color scheme: FtsE (magenta and dark green), FtsX (cornflower blue), Porter of PLDFtsX (yellow), and X-lobe of PLDFtsX (green). CH: coupling helix, EH: elbow helix. (B) Left and middle panels depict the side and front views of the density map of FtsEX, with ATPγS displayed in the front view at 90% transparency. Ribbon representation of WT FtsEX in the presence of ATPγS with EM density. Color scheme: FtsE (magenta and dark green), FtsX (cornflower blue and rosy brown), Porter of PCDFtsX (yellow), and X-lobe of PLDFtsX (green). EH: elbow helix. (C) Left panel presents a rainbow representation of the PLD domain of FtsX, transitioning from blue (N-terminal) to red (C-terminal). Right panel shows a front view overlay of two PLD domains. (D) Surface representations of the PLD domains in a top-view configuration, with the Porter of the PLD colored in yellow and the X-lobe in green. In EcoFtsEX, the Porter and X-lobe are positioned facing each other.