Curvature of the reach to +1 target is modulated by position of +2 target.
A) Timeline of planning and execution for a Horizon 3 trial. Amount of time overlap (T) between planning processes for reach to +1 and +2 target is represented by the black arrow. B) Effect of +2 target angle on the curvature of +1 reach for Dwell time 75, all Horizons, one participant. Positive value of curvature indicates downward curve and vice versa. The overall effect is captured by the slope of the line relating average curvature to the five angles (slope of black lines). C) All the reaches are aligned to one start point and one direction. Then, the angle at the start of the movement to the +2 target can be -120, -60, 0, 60, 120 degrees (60 is shown with dotted line). A linear model is used to predict the signed curvature based on the position of last target (+0 angle) and the +2 target (+2 angle). D) Each dot represents the average summary statistics of the curvature across participants. Individual participant values are shown with shadowed dotted lines in the background. E) Average curvature effect across participants vs overlaps of planning time (T) for each condition. Shades of gray show different Horizons and solid, dashed, and dotted lines represent different Dwell Time conditions. Error bars are SEM, and ** signifies p-value < 0.001.