Population prevalence for the power spectral analyses of activations (speech or music > tones; N = 18).
(A)-(F) Population prevalence of shared or selective responses for the 6 canonical frequency bands, per anatomical region (note that preferred responses are excluded). Only significant activations compared to the baseline condition (pure tones listening) are reported. Regions (on the x-axis) were included in the analyses if they had been explored by minimally 2 patients with minimally 2 significant channels. Patients were considered to show regional selective processing when all their channels in a given region responded selectively to either speech (red) or music (blue). When regions contained a combination of channels with speech selective, music selective or shared responses, the patient was considered to show shared (white) processing in this region. The height of the lollipop (y-axis) indicates the percentage of patients over the total number of explored patients in that given region. The size of the lollipop indicates the number of patients. As an example, in panel F (HFa band), most lollipops are white with a height of 100%, indicating that, in these regions, all patients presented a shared response profile. However, in the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL, Left) one patient (out of the 7 explored) shows speech selective processing (filled red circle). A fully selective region would thus show a fixed-color full height across all frequency bands. Abbreviations according to the Brainnetome Atlas (Fan et al., 2016).