Figures and data

Experimental tasks.
(A) In the mechanical problem-solving task (Experiment 1), participants had to figure out for 4 seconds how to move a red cube trapped in a 3D glass box from its original location to a new target location. Then, two tools were presented for 3 seconds, and they had to decide which was the correct one to solve the mechanical problem. Before the scanning session, the participants were informed that five distinct tools could be used to solve the mechanical problems. (B) In the psychotechnical task (Experiment 2), two situations were displayed for 6 seconds. Participants had to select which of the two displayed situations was the correct one or the most effective one. (C) In the fluid-cognition task (Experiment 2), the participants had to select the line of options with the correct one. (D) In the mentalizing task (Experiment 2), the superior part of the board was shown for 6 seconds, for the participants to try to make sense of the cartoon first. Then the bottom part was presented for 4 additional seconds, with the top part remaining on display. The participants had to choose the cartoon with the probable ending to the story depicted in the three first drawings. In the PHYS-Only condition, the selection only needed to understand the physical context. In the INT+PHYS condition, the selection needed to understand both the physical context and the social context. Birgit Völlm gave us the permission to reproduce the pictures in (D). No permission was needed for the pictures in a as we built this task. The items of the psychotechnical task (B) and the fluid-cognition task (C) are adapted from commercialized tests and do not correspond to the original items of these tests. For more information, see the Methods section.

Neuroimaging results.
The generalizability of the technical-reasoning network is supported by the activation of the left area PF in the mechanical problem-solving task (A), the psychotechnical task (B), and the PHYS-Only (D) and INT+PHYS (E) conditions of the mentalizing task. The conjunction analysis (G) also confirmed it. The specificity of the technical-reasoning network is also supported by the absence of activation of the left area PF in the fluid-cognition task (C) and in the contrast of the INT+PHYS condition to the PHYS-Only condition (F). In (B), IFG (op.) is indicated on the left hemisphere even if it is not visible on this view. Left, left hemisphere; Right, right hemisphere; PF, parietal area F; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus (op., opercular part; tr., triangular part); dPMC; dorsal premotor cortex; SPC, superior parietal cortex; LOTC, lateral occipitotemporal cortex; dPFC, dorsal prefrontal cortex; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; AG, angular gyrus; TP, temporal pole; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex.