MEC-7/β-tubulin S172 phosphorylation regulates MT dynamics, cargo transport, mechanosensory function, and axonal regeneration.
(A) Representative kymographs of EBP-2::GFP dynamics in the PLM-AN of various strains. The wild-type animals and S172A mutants were subjected to a mild colchicine treatment to increase MT dynamics and imaged after one-hour recovery. (B) Quantification of the number of EBP-2 tracks. One, two, and four asterisks indicate p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.0001, respectively, in statistical significance when compared with the wild type. (C) Percentages of retrograde and anterograde movement for the EBP-2 comets. (D) Comparison of the EBP-2::GFP signal in the cell body of wild-type and mec-7(S172A) animals. (E) Distribution of mitochondria in the ALM-AN indicated by the jsIs609 [mec-7p::mitoGFP] signal. (F) The quantification of the number of mitoGFP puncta in the distal segment of ALM-AN (150-300 μm away from the cell body). (G) Localization of the synaptic vesicles (GFP::RAB-3), which are indicated by green dots in the cartoon in S172 mutants. The fluorescent image for the wild type is a representative image of the region in the dashed box of the cartoon; arrows indicate the normal localization of RAB-3 signal to the synapses made by synaptic branch of PLM-AN in the ventral nerve cord posterior to the vulval position (indicated by the asterisk). In S172A mutants, RAB-3 is mistargeted to the ALM-PN (dashed arrow) and accumulates at the PLM-AN (arrowhead) when the synaptic branch fails to extend, and the axon hooks ventrally. In S172E mutants, RAB-3 signal was trapped in the cell body as PLM-AN is severely shortened. (H) Anterior touch responses of various mec-7 mutants; mec-7(ok2151) is a deletion allele. (I) Representative axonal regrowth of PLM-AN following laser axotomy in various strains; arrows indicate the cut site. (J) Quantification of PLM regrowth length for the regrowth cases. (K) Examples of reconnections after laser axotomy; arrows indicate the cut site. Scale bars = 20 μm for all panels.