Dimensionality reduction of cell images by morphological feature-based PCA and image-based β-variational autoencoder (β-VAE).
a, Computational workflow for capturing the important axes of variation using morphological feature-based PCA (green, left) and imagebased β-VAE (purple, right). b, For five example cell images (left column), de novo reconstruction by the β-VAE using the entire latent space (middle column) or only the top 25 iADs (right column). Nuclear and actin signals outside the segmented nuclei and cells, respectively, were masked out. These cells were not seen by the β-VAE during training. c, Percent of total variance of input morphological features explained by each of the top 100 fPCs. g, Percent of total KL-divergence of all 512 iADs captured by each of the top 100 iADs. d-f,h-j Visual Interpretation of Embeddings by constrained Walkthrough Sampling (VIEWS) of three fPCs (d-f) and three iADs (h-j). Top: density distribution along each dimension for all cells in the dataset, with 1st, 16th, 50th, 84th, and 99th percentiles marked. Bottom: images of three cells that fall at each of these percentiles along the given dimension but have near-average values in each other dimension. Images show nuclei in blue (Hoechst 33342), actin in green (Alexa Fluor 488 phalloidin), and cell segmentations outlined in white. Surrounding cells are shown at 50% brightness. In (h-j), β-VAE-generated synthetic images of cells traversing each iAD are also shown below. k, Absolute value of Pearson’s correlation across all cells in the dataset for each iAD paired with each fPC is shown as a heatmap.