Genetic strategies target Bhlhe22-expressing amacrine cells and cells that co-express Bhlhe22 and KOR (B/K).
A. Intersectional genetic strategy. A KOR-Cre allele, acting on Loxp sites, combined with the Bhlhe22-Flpo allele, acting on Frt sites, removes two stop sequences and induces the expression of a reporter gene (either ReaChR-mCitrine fusion protein or tdTomato), driven by the CAG promoter. B. Bhlhe22 transcript readings in previously identified groups of amacrine cells (Yan et al., 2020). Data points show the median Bhlhe22 transcript reading and the inter-quartile range (IQR) of these readings within each group. Cell groups are identified as GABAergic, glycinergic, both or neither, according to the definitions in the original study, and groups that correspond to known cell types are labeled with the name of the type (e.g., AII or A17 amacrine cell) or a characteristic gene name (e.g., VIP+ or nNOS+ amacrine cells). C. Intersection between KOR-Cre and Bhlhe22-Flpo labels amacrine cell processes primarily in two layers (green rectangles, left) relative to calretinin bands (blue arrows; bracket marks the IPL). Top and bottom calretinin bands are identical to the OFF and ON ChAT bands, respectively. B/K amacrine cells were labeled with Bhlhe22 antibody (yellow arrows); the antibody also labeled amacrine cells without reporter expression (yellow arrowheads). D. Whole-mount retina showing B/K amacrine cells in the GCL with Bhlhe22 antibody labeling (arrows). E. Same as E. for the INL, which shows a higher density of labeled B/K somas. F. Density of B/K cells in different layers (n = 5 retinas) based on counts within 0.102 mm2 regions. Error bars indicate ± SEM across samples. G. Fluorescence profile of B/K intersectional genetic labeling relative to the ChAT bands in eight individual z-stacks (top). The average (bottom) shows fluorescence relative to the layers where ON and OFF bipolar cells stratify their axon terminals. H. Example images of long, straight B/K amacrine cell processes in ON and OFF layers of the IPL and the boundary between these layers.