Effects of VitC on the proteome and phospho-proteome of a subset of PDAC cells.
(A) Cell confluence images of PANC-1 and Capan-2 cell lines for treated (5mM) and untreated conditions. (B) Intracellular ROS levels upon multiple VitC concentrations in PANC-1 and Capan-2 cell lines after 10 minutes, 2h and 24h. For every time point, intracellular ROS levels are normalized to the levels of the untreated condition. Data from n=2 biological replicates. Statistical significance between timepoints was calculated by a paired t-test. (C) Cell growth of PANC-1 and Capan-2 upon VitC, and upon VitC followed by the exposure to catalase. (D) Representative images of PANC-1 cells VitC treated (2.5 and 20mM) with and without catalase exposure. (E) Workflow scheme of phospho-proteomic profiling of VitC treated cell lines at 2h, 4h and 24h. See Methods. (F) Unsupervised clustering based on ssGSEA results using hallmarks of cancer. Enrichment scores shown as z-scores. (G) Interesting ssGSEA enrichments between control and VitC samples after 24h. Colours depict cell lines in order of VitC sensitivity and VitC dose (0.1mM Suit-2, 0.14mM PANC-1, 0.6mM Capan-2, 2mM Hs 766T). (H) Phosphosite changes upon VitC at 2h, 4h and 24h, calculated by FC between control and VitC, of downstream regulators MAPK1/3 and AKT2 in all cell lines. Colours depict cell lines in order of VitC sensitivity and VitC dose (0.1mM Suit-2, 0.14mM PANC-1, 0.6mM Capan-2, 2mM Hs 766T). Rectangle indicates double phosphorylation required for MAPK1/3 activation. (I) Phosphosite changes upon VitC at 2h, 4h and 24h, calculated by FC between control and VitC in Hs 766T cell line. (J) Kinase activity changes upon VitC treatment at 2h, 4h and 24h timepoints. Log2 fold changes were calculated for the top 20 ranked kinases based on the cumulative INKA score. A fold change cut-off of (−) 1.5 was used to determine which kinases are altered upon VitC treatment. In grey, FC values cannot be determined due to the absence of detected INKA kinases in at least one of the replicates, either in the VitC or control group. Arrows indicate members of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signalling.