A schematic showcasing the process of liquid-liquid phase separation of αS.

A violinplot showing the distribution of number of monomers present for different concentrations of α-syn. The blue dot at the middle of each distribution represents the mean number of monomers observed for each concentration. For each concentration we show representative snapshots of the system. For each concentration, we also report the statistics of the number of chains in the largest cluster (n). a) A snapshot from the simulation at 300 μM α-syn. b) A snapshot from the simulation at 400 μM α-syn. c) A snapshot from the simulation for 500 μM α-syn. d) A snapshot from the simulation at 750 μM α-syn. Each chain in the snapshots has been coloured differently.

a) A violinplot showing the distribution of the number of monomers for α-syn at 750 μM without and with crowder. The blue dots represent the means of each distribution. The snapshots represent the extent aggregation for a visual comparison. b) A bar plot showing the number of chain in the largest cluster formed by α-syn at 750 μM without and with crowder. The snapshots show the largest cluster formed for each scenario.

a) surface tensions of droplets, estimated from γ20 and γ22, for three cases has been shown. Both γ20 and γ22 provide almost similar estimates of the value of surface. b) Comparison of protein concentrations for the dilute(red) and the droplet (blue) phases. c) Excess free energy of transfer comparison for three cases.

All the figures are for 750 μM αS + 50 mM NaCl. a) Distribution of Rg for proteins present in the dense or the dilute phases. b) Comparison of RMSD for protein chains present in the dilute phase, with single chain RMSDs as the reference (dotted edges). c) Comparison of RMSD for protein chains present in the dense phase, with single chain RMSDs as the reference (dotted edges). d) Distribution of the angle of orientation of two chains inside the droplet for the three different scenarios. e) representative snapshot for angle between 0 degree and 20 degree. f) representative snapshot for angle between 50 degree and 70 degree. g) representative snapshot for angle between 80 degree and 120 degree. h) representative snapshot for angle between 150 degree and 180 degree.

The figure presents the residue-wise, intra-protein difference contact maps where the average contact probability of monomers in the dilute phase were subtracted from the average contact probability of monomers in the dense/droplet phase for three cases: a) 750 μM αS in water. b) 750 μM αS in the presence of 10% (v/v) crowders. c) 750 μM αS in presence of 50 mM NaCl.

a) The largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM. b) The largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM in the presence of 10% (v/v) crowder. c) The largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM in the presence of 50 mM salt. Different residues have been color coded as per the figure legend. d) A graph showing the contacts among different chains constituting the largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM. e) A graph showing the contacts among different chains constituting the largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM in the presence of 10% (v/v) crowder. f) A graph showing the contacts among different chains constituting the largest cluster formed by αS at 750 μM in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. The mean small-worldness (S) of all droplet has been reported above the graph. g) Distribution of small-worldness (S) for all scenarios.

a) Comparison of Shannon Entropy of different datasets with αS. b) Comparison of Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobicity of different datasets with αS. c) Comparison of LLR scores, obtained from PLAAC, of different datasets with αS. d) Comparison of LLPS propensity scores, obtained from catGRANULE websever, of different datasets with αS. The values have been summarized in Table S6.

a) Plot of LJ potentials with respect to λ. b) The percentage bound values between two CG αS chains for different values of λ. The dashed black line represents the percentage bound values for two all-atom chains. c) Error between Rg calculated from CG and from all-atom simulations vs λ. The inset plot showcases the average values of Rg obtained from CG along with their respective standard deviations. The dashed line represents the average value from all-atom simulations.

Details of the systems that were explored