Schema of xDELFI calculation (A) general procedure of cell-free DNA process consists of blood collection, cfDNA extraction, library preparation for whole-genome sequencing or whole-exome sequencing, sequencing using next-generation sequencing platforms, and data preprocessing. (B) xDELFI feature extraction contains three fragment size count (100-150bp, 151-220bp, and >220bp), overall fragment count in each 100k bin along the genome, and fragment size distribution of 5bp bin in in each chromosome arm. Loess regression-based approach is applied to correct for GC bias and z-score is applied for normalization. (C) Gradient boosting machine (GBM) is combined with support vector machine (SVM) algorithms by stacking ensemble method to learn normalized fragmentation pattern and generate xDELFI score.

Prediction performance of DELFI score, and exomeDELFI and xDELFI visualized by

(A) Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC). Violin plot

(B) shows the distribution of scores across the different DELFI methods. Scatter plot (C) of the scores in different DELFI methods stratified by each cancer type. The Y-axis displays the DELFI scores, while the X-axis represents the cancer types. Red dots represent DELFI score, blue dots represent exomeDELFI and green dot represents xDELFI.

Correlation between whole genome-based fragmentomic profile and whole exome-based fragmentomic profile

Detection of 125 cancer patients using different DELFI models at 95%Specificity threshold and targeted mutation cfDNA approach

Overall prediction performance of different cfDNA fragmentation models, DELFI, exomeDELFI, and xDELFI on tissue of origin classification