Involvement of BIN1 in membrane remodeling and a compendium of known BIN1 interaction partners
(A) Models of vesicle and T-tubule formation in the context of BIN1 and DNM2. BIN1 interplays in both processes, through its membrane bending/tubulating BAR domain and its SH3 domain. In clathrin-, or caveolin-coated vesicle formation, as well as during the formation of recycling endosomes, the recruitment of DNM2 by BIN1 is critical for vesicle scission. During T-tubule formation, DNM2 is also recruited, but in this case less scission occurs. (B) Schematic illustration of binding of PRMs to SH3 domains. Due to the 2-fold pseudo-symmetry of PPII helices, class 1 and class 2 PxxP motifs bind in different orientations to SH3 domains (Lim et al., 1994). (C) Known interaction partners of BIN1 identified by high-throughput qualitative interactomic studies and the experimental overlap between the different sources (Cho et al., 2022; Ellis et al., 2012; Huttlin et al., 2021; Luck et al., 2020). Note that the known SH3-domain mediated interaction partners, that were studied by low-throughput methods, were only detected on a few occasions (DNM2, MYC, RIN3, marked in orange), or not detected at all (TAU/MAPT, CAVIN4).