Auditory, visual, and motor-related signals were present in L2/3 of ACx
(A) Schematic of the virtual reality system. For imaging experiments, mice were head-fixed and free to run on an air-supported spherical treadmill. For all recordings, the microscope was tilted 45 degrees to the left to image left ACx.
(B) Strategy for two-photon imaging of L2/3 ACx neurons. We injected an AAV vector to express a genetically encoded calcium indicator in ACx.
(C) Timeline of the experiment. Starting 10 days after viral injection and window-implantation surgery mice were habituated to the virtual reality setup without any visual or auditory stimulation for 5 days. We mapped ACx with widefield imaging to be able to target two-photon (2P) imaging to ACx. In 1 to 6 recording sessions, 1 session per day, we recorded from 7637 neurons in 17 mice.
(D) Example two-photon image in L2/3 of ACx.
(E) Example widefield mapping of ACx. Response maps reflect regions with the strongest response for each tested sound frequency.
(F) The sound stimuli were 1 s long pure tones of 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz, or 32 kHz played at 60 dB or 75 dB sound pressure level (SPL), presented with randomized inter-stimulus intervals.
(G) The average sound evoked response of all L2/3 ACx neurons across all tested frequencies and sound levels. Sound is presented from 0 s to 1 s. Red indicates an increase in activity, while blue indicates a decrease in activity. All responses are baseline subtracted. To avoid regression to the mean artifacts in plotting, the response heatmap is generated by splitting data in two halves by trials. The responses from the first half of trials are used to sort neurons by response strength and the average responses of the second half of trials are plotted for each neuron. To prevent graphical aliasing, the heatmaps are smoothed over 10 neurons for plotting.
(H) The average sound evoked population response of all ACx L2/3 neurons across all tested frequencies and sound levels (7637 neurons). Stimulus duration was 1 s (gray shading). Here and in subsequent panels, solid black lines represent mean and shading SEM. The horizontal bar above the plot marks time bins in which the response is statistically different from 0 (gray: not significant, black: p<0.05; see Methods).
(I) The visual stimuli we used were full-field drifting gratings of 8 different directions, presented for 4 s to 8 s with randomized inter-stimulus intervals.
(J) As in G, but for gratings onsets responses averaged across all orientations.
(K) As in H, but for the population response to grating onsets averaged across all orientations.
(L) Motor-related activity was assessed based on responses upon running onsets.
(M) As in G, but for running onset responses.
(N) As in H, but for the average population response to running onsets. Only data from running onsets in which the mouse ran for at least 1 s (gray shading) were included.