Noncaloric monosaccharides induced excessive angiogenesis through foxo1a-marcksl1a signal in zebrafish embryos.
a, A diagram showing the Foxo1 inhibitor and heat shock treatment time window. b, Real-rime PCR analysis of marcksl1a expression in control and AS1842856 treated embryos. t-test, ***p<0.001. c, Real-rime PCR analysis of marcksl1a expression in control and foxo1a overexpressed embryos. t-test, **p<0.01. d, A sequence logo of Foxo1 binding sequence presented in the JASPAR database ( and two candidate binding sites at the upstream of transcription start site (TSS) of marcksl1a in zebrafish. e, Results of the ChIP-PCR assay indicated that BS1 and BS2 are Foxo1a-binding sites of marcksl1a in zebrafish. Input sonicated genomic DNA samples without immunoprecipitation as a positive control. IgG, sonicated, and IgG-immunoprecipitated genomic DNA samples as a negative control. f-g, Luciferase reporter activity in foxo1a overexpressed or knocked down embryos, respectively. t-test, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001. h-m, Confocal imaging analysis of blood vessels in control, high glucose, high glucose & Lenvatinib, high glucose+marcksl1a MO, high L-glucose and high L-glucose+marcksl1a MO groups. n, Statistical analysis of the total length of ISVs in the groups in figure h-m, respectively. one-way ANOVA, ****p<0.0001.