Allosteric asymmetry is the driving force for paradoxical activation by type ll αC-in inhibitors.
a, Representative BRAF kinase activity data (circles, left y-axis) and induction of partially occupied BBD dimers (dashed line, right y-axis), for type II inhibitors LY3009120 and tovorafenib (left) and the type I inhibitor GDC0879 (right). Activity data represent mean values ± s.e.m.; n=3 independent experiments each performed in duplicate. Activity data for other inhibitors are shown in Supplementary Figure 10. BBD induction curves were simulated from the allosteric models parameterized with FRET data. The thickness of the band represents the 95% CI of the best-fit model from n=3 independently parameterized models. Simulations for other inhibitors are shown in Supplementary Figure 10. b, Induction landscape where the predicted amplitude of BBD induction is plotted over a wide range of α and β values. Simulations were performed using an allosteric model where KDdimer and KDdrug were kept constant and α and β were systematically varied. Inhibitors are shown mapped onto the landscape (black symbols) based on their experimentally determined α and β factors. az, AZ628, bel, belvarafenib, dab, dabrafenib, enc, encorafenib, gdc, GDC0879, ly, LY30019120, L7, L779450, pon, ponatinib, sor, sorafenib, sb, SB590885, tov, tovorafenib, tak, TAK632, vem, vemurafenib, zm, ZM33637. c, The simulated peak induction is shown as a function of coupling asymmetry α/β at two fixed values of the total coupling strength αβ, d, Simulated BBD induction magnitudes versus allosteric coupling ratios (α/β, for αC-in type I (yellow) and αC-in type II (purple) inhibitors. Data represent the mean ± s.e.m.; n≥3 independent experiments each performed in duplicate. The dashed line represents a hyperbolic fit to the data. e, Amplitude of BRAF kinase activation measured in vitro as a function of the simulated peak BBD induction for each inhibitor. Kinase activity data represent the mean ± s.e.m.; n=3 independent experiments each performed in duplicate. The slope of the linear fit, corresponding to the catalytic activity of BBD dimers, is indicated.