Visual stimulation-evoked high-resolution fMRI of awake mice. A. The brain-wide functional maps of awake mice show strong positive BOLD activation in the visual cortex (VC), lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), superior colliculus (SC), and anterior cingulate area (ACA)) based on the group analysis. B. The averaged time course of the ROIs derived from the Allan brain atlas, demonstrating an evoked positive BOLD signal changes upon the 8s visual stimulation (5Hz 530nm and 5.1Hz 490nm 20ms light pluses). Each graph displays the average of 162 sets of 3 stimulation epochs. Shaded regions represent standard error. Red lines represent the 8s stimulation duration. C. Functional maps overlain with the brain atlas to highlight the activated brains regions: VC, SC, LGN, and ACA. (N = 13 (6F/7M)).