PT structural asymmetry at the group level.
For each group, a linear mixed model (LME) was used to test the hemispheric asymmetry of each PT structural measure. “Hemisphere” was the fixed effect, and asymmetry index was the response variable. Age, sex, and total brain volume were covariates. Notably, we did not standardize these structural measures, so the scales differed between indicators. L1/R1, single HG on the left and single HG on the right; L1/R2, single HG on the left and duplicated HG on the right; L2/R1, duplicated HG on the left and single HG on the right; L2/R2, duplicated HG on the left and duplicated HG on the right. NDI, neurite density index; ODI, orientation dispersion index. * denotes a significant difference between left and right PTs (PFWE < 0.05). Positive and negative values of the asymmetry index represent leftward and rightward asymmetry, respectively.