Interindividual correlation of PT functional and structural asymmetries.
The correlation of the AI of speech comprehension activation and the AI of myelin content showed significant dependence on the gyrification pattern of HG (i.e., a significant interaction with the group factor); therefore, scatter plots for their correlations within the 4 groups were displayed separately. L1/R2, single HG on the left and duplicated HG on the right; L2/R1, duplicated HG on the left and single HG on the right; L2/R2, duplicated HG on the left and duplicated HG on the right. For the other pairs of functional and structural AIs, the gyrification pattern of HG showed no significant effect on their correlations. The scatter plots for nonsignificant correlations (PFWE > 0.05) are colored gray. AI, asymmetry index; NDI, neurite density index; ODI, orientation dispersion index; ns, non-significant. * denotes significant correlation in this group.