ZapD binds FtsZ and promotes filament bundling.
a Scheme of the FtsZ protein and its interaction with ZapD. E. coli FtsZ (blue) monomers in solution oligomerize depending on the buffer conditions. Upon GTP binding, FtsZ homopolymerizes directionally, assembling single stranded filaments. ZapD is a robust dimer (magenta) that interacts directly with FtsZ, crosslinking filaments by promoting lateral interactions between them. Although the molecular mechanism is still unclear, the current hypothesis of interaction assumes dimers of ZapD crosslinking two FtsZ filaments through the C-terminal region of FtsZ, expecting at around 2:1 (FtsZ:ZapD) molar ratio in an homogeneous bundle. According to this model, the orientation of the FtsZ filaments could be parallel or antiparallel, allowing the growth and treadmilling of the filaments. However, the mechanism of assembly of dynamic high-order structures is still unknown. b Turbidity assays measuring the absorbance at 350 nm of samples containing 5 µM FtsZ and increasing concentrations of ZapD. The turbidity of the sample was measured 5 minutes after the addition of 1 mM GTP at working buffer (50 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris-Cl, 5 mM MgCl2 pH 7). FtsZ polymers do not show a significant turbidity at this wavelength; therefore, the signal at 350 nm corresponds to the presence of large FtsZ macrostructures and bundles. The mean value and SD of >3 independent replicates are plotted in the graph. c GTPase activity of FtsZ after addition of 1 mM GTP in presence of increasing concentrations of ZapD at working conditions (50 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris-Cl, 5 mM MgCl2 pH 7). The mean value and SD plotted in the graph are the result of 3 independent replicates. The GTPase activity was measured as a result of the Pi released from GTP consumption. The units are Mol GTP consumed per Mol FtsZ per min.