Loss of TRPV1 or TRPM2 leads to a reduction in WSN abundance.
A Experimental paradigm of temperature stimulation. Three sequential and increasing temperature stimuli of 25 seconds, with 5 minute inter-stimulus intervals. Traces represent mean temperatures for wildtype, Trpv1−/−, and Trpm2−/− cultures. B Heat map showing representative normalized (ΔF/F0) calcium response of WSNs (60 randomly sampled cells per genotype). C Zoom-in of the mean and standard deviation of the three warm-temperature stimuli shown in A. D The proportions of responders to each stimulus in relation to all imaged neurons from wildtype (5 animals, 18 FOVs, 6374 cells), Trpv1−/− (5 animals, 9 FOVs, 3009 cells), and Trpm2−/− (6 animals, 12 FOVs, 4315 cells). Each dot represents a field of view (FOV). ANOVA over genotype (F(2,36) = 14.24, p <0.001), stimulus (F(1.31, 47.32) = 113.44, p <0.001), and their interaction (F(2.63, 47.32) = 9.18, p <0.001). Results of post hoc multiple comparison against wildtype are indicated. E Average and SEM ΔF/F0 for all responders over the whole stimulus (as shown in B) from wildtype (412 cells), Trpv1−/− (111 cells), and Trpm2−/− (204 cells). F Mean area under the curve (AUC) of (ΔF/F0) from each FOV used in D. Linear mixed model over genotype and stimulus with random effects across animals and FOVs. Pairwise contrasts against wildtype are indicated. * (p <0.05), ** (p <0.01), *** (p <0.001).