Integrin α11 subunit mediates VPS33B-effects and is required for collagen-I fibrillogenesis
A. Top 25 Functional Annotation of proteins detected in biotin-enriched samples when compared to non-enriched samples based on p-values. Y-axis denotes the GO term, X-axis denotes –log (P value).
B. Heatmap representation of spectral counting of collagens detected in biotin-enriched surface proteins from control (ctrl), VPS33B-knockout (VPSko), and VPS33B-overexpressing (VPSoe) iTTFs. Scale denotes quantitative value as normalized to total spectra, as determined by Proteome Discoverer.
C. Heatmap representation of spectral counting of integrins detected in biotin-enriched surface proteins from control (ctrl), VPS33B-knockout (VPSko), and VPS33B-overexpressing (VPSoe) iTTFs. Scale denotes quantitative value as normalized to total spectra, as determined by Proteome Discoverer.
D. Heatmap representation of spectral counting of Plod3 and VPS33B detected in biotin-enriched surface proteins from control (ctrl), VPS33B-knockout (VPSko), and VPS33B-overexpressing (VPSoe) iTTFs. Scale denotes quantitative value as normalized to total spectra, as determined by Proteome Discoverer.
E. Western blot analysis of integrin α11 subunit levels in control (ctrl), VPS33B-overexpressing (VPSoe), VPS33B-knockout (VPSko) iTTFs. Top: probed with integrin α11 antibody, bottom: reprobed with GAPDH antibody. Protein molecular weight ladders to the left (in kDa). Representative of N = 3.
F. qPCR analysis of Itga11 transcript levels in ctrl compared to VPSko iTTFs (left), and ctrl compared to VPSoe iTTFs (right). N>3, ****P<0.0001, *P = 0.0226.
G. qPCR analysis of Itga11 mRNA expression in ctrl (left) or VPSoe (right) iTTFs treated either with scrambled control (scr) or siRNA against Itga11 (siItga11), collected after 96 h. N=3, **P=0.0091, ****P<0.0001.
H. IF images of ctrl and VPSoe iTTFs treated either with control siRNA (scr) or siRNA again Itga11 (siItga11), after 72 h incubation; collagen-I (red) and DAPI (blue) counterstained. Representative of N = 3. Scale bar = 25 µm.
I. Bar chart comparing the percentage of iTTFs that have taken up 5 µg/mL Cy5-colI after one hour incubation between fibroblasts treated with scrambled control (ctrl) or siRNA against Itga11 (siItga11), corrected to scr. N=3. **P=0.0062.