PUFA binds to a state-dependent small crevice between K326 and D301.
A-B) KCNQ1_D301E/KCNE1 representative current traces A) in 0 μM of Lin-Glycine. B) After perfusion of 20 μM of Lin-Glycine. C) Gmax/Gmax0 for KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels and KCNQ1_D301E /KCNE1 channels. Gmax/Gmax0 was significantly reduced for the D301E mutation compared to WT channels (p = 0.0018, n = 4 oocytes). Student t test was used to conduct statistical analysis. D, E and F) Structures of crevice between S5 and S6 in KCNQ1 with S4 up (D and E) and S4 down (F). Residues that surround the crevice from S6 shown in blue (K326, T327, S330, V334) and from the pore helix and S5 in red (D301, A300, L303, F270). Remaining KCNQ1 residues shown in purple. On the left is shown the location of the crevice in KCNQ1 (top) side view and (bottom) top view. D) In MD simulations14, linoleic acid (LIN: gold color) fits in a narrow crevice present in the cryoEM structure of activated state KCNQ1 (S4 up). E) Same view as, in D but without LIN. F) In the cryoEM structure with S4 in the resting state (S4 down), the crevice between K326 and D301 is too narrow to fit LIN.