Noncanonical effect of Ih block on EPSP kinetics
a. Experimental arrangement of extracellular targeted stimulation of a L2/3 PC dendrite. b. Application of ZD-7288 revealed a proximal bias for EPSP modulation by Ih (Exponential fit τ=104.7 µm, R2=0.33, n=18). c. EPSP halfwidth is significantly modulated along the dendritic axis by Ih, (proximal dendritic locations: 17.42 ± 1.68 ms vs. 40.95 ± 24.78 ms for control vs 50µm ZD-7288 bath application, p=0.03, t(6)=2.84, Student’s paired t-test, n=7, distal dendritic locations: 22.68 ± 1.78 ms vs. 28.65 ± 2.17 ms for control vs 50µm ZD-7288 bath application, p=2.1-4, t(8)=−6.39, Student’s paired t-test, n=9). d. Schematic illustration of the experimental arrangement. L2/3 PCs were recorded in whole-cell current clamp mode, and a stimulating electrode was placed either in L1 or L4. e. Ih modulates EPSP halfwidth for L4 stimulation, but not for L1 (13.87 ± 1.37 ms vs. 15.8 ± 1.67 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.38, t(18)=−0.89, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 10.65 ± 0.64 ms vs. 20.17 ± 2.88 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L4, p=0.005, t(18)=−3.22, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 11.01 ± 0.85 ms vs. 17.05 ± 2.41 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for putative LGN events, p=0.03, t(18)=−2.36, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). f. Pathway-specific Ih effect on unitary EPSP voltage integral (9.35 ± 2.54 pA*ms vs. 12.9 ± 2.04 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.3, t(19)=−1.07, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=11 and n=10 respectively, 7.85 ± 1.24 pA*ms vs. 17.39 ± 2.5 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L4, p=0.002, t(20)=−3.6, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=12 and n=10 respectively, 28.01 ± 3.45 pA*ms vs. 44.89 ± 6.42 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for putative LGN events, p=0.03, t(18)=−2.31, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). g. Representative recordings of 50 Hz repeated extracellular stimuli (L1 – grey, L4 – blue, putative LGN -green). h. Pathway-specific Ih modulation of synaptic summation (81.05 ± 14.5 pA*ms vs. 71.07 ± 11.19 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.6, t(18)=0.54, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 60.06 ± 9.03 pA*ms vs. 95.15 ± 11.29 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L4, p=0.03, t(18)=−2.42, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 182.08 ± 23.36 pA*ms vs. 182.05 ± 28.59 pA*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for putative LGN events, p=0.99, t(18)=8.74*10-4, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). i. Temporal summation of L4 stimulation in control conditions (black) and during CsMeSO4 application (red).