Met4-dependent clustering of MET genes upon induction.
A) MTAC workflow. In a “targeted” MTAC strain, a LacO array is integrated into a genomic locus (viewpoint, VP) and recruits LacI-M.CviPI, an ectopic DNA methyltransferase that methylates the cytosine in a “GC” dinucleotide in proximal DNA. LacI-M.CviPI is also expressed in a control strain with no LacO array insertion (background methylation). Methylation in these two strains is detected by ChIP, and methylation level in nucleosome-depleted regions (NDRs) are compared in targeted vs control strains. Significantly higher methylation in the targeted strain indicates proximity to the VP. B) VP design of the MET13 locus. C) Volcano plot of MTAC signals with MET13 as VP in ±met conditions. Each dot represents an individual NDR, and colored dots are the NDRs that show proximity to the VP (significantly higher methylation in the targeted vs control strains). Local (intra-chromosomal interactions within 30kb), far-cis (intra-chromosomal interactions over 30kb), and trans (inter-chromosomal interactions) are shown in blue, green, and orange. Same as below. D) Design of Met4 depletion assay. Met4 is depleted by auxin-degron system in ±met conditions, resulting in four conditions: (1) +met, -IAA, (2) -met, -IAA, (3) +met, +IAA, (4) -met, +IAA. β-estradiol is added in all conditions to induce the expression of LacI-M.CviPI. E) Volcano plot of MTAC signals with MET6 as VP for the four conditions in panel D. Note that long-distance interactions are detected in condition (2) but are largely absent in other three conditions. F) MTAC and Met4 ChIP-seq data at the MET6 locus (VP) and MUP1, STR3 and YKG9 as interacting regions of the VP. MTAC signal is shown in the four conditions in panel D. The ChIP enrichment of Met4 is shown in ±met conditions. P, FDR-adjusted P value, Wald test by DESeq2. ns, non-significant.