Characterisation of semen microbiota composition at genera level.
A) Heatmap of Log10 transformed read counts of top 10 most abundant genera identified in semen samples. Samples clustered into three major microbiota groups based mainly on dominance by Streptococcus (Cluster 1), Prevotella (Cluster 2), or Lactobacillus and Gardnerella (Cluster 3). (n=223, Ward’s linkage). B) Silhouette scores of individual samples within each cluster. C) Relative abundance of the top 6 most abundant genera within each cluster. D) Species richness (p<0.0001; Kruskal-Wallis test) and E) alpha diversity (p<0.0001; Kruskal-Wallis test) significantly differed across clusters. F) Assessment of bacterial load using qPCR showed Clusters 2 and 3 have significantly higher bacterial loads compared to Cluster 1 Dunn’s multiple comparison test was used as a post-hoc test for between group comparisons (*p<0.05, ****p<0.0001).