Characteristics of the population at the time of inclusion

CHIP, mLOY and their combination are as frequent in MI(+) and MI(-) subjects

A: Prevalence of CHIP, mLOY and their combination in the total cohort of 449 subjects, in MI(+) as well as in MI(-) subjects. B: Mutational spectrum of CHIP expressed as the proportion of mutations detected in the indicated genes. C: VAF measured for the different mutations detected in the 449 subjects detected in the indicated genes. D: Prevalence of CHIP and mLOY depending on age in the total cohort (for CHIP) and in male subjects (for mLOY).

CHIP and mLOY are not associated with increased hsCRP level

CHIP and mLOY are not associated with an increased atherosclerotic burden

CHIP and mLOY do not increase significantly the risk of incident MI, but could accelerate it in male subjects.

Incidence of MI during follow up according to the presence of CHIP (A) or mLOY (B) in MI(-) subjects. Incidence of MI during follow up according to the presence of CHIP (C) or the combination of CHIP and mLOY (D) in male MI(-) subjects. Survival was compared between the different groups with log-rank tests.