LC4 and LPLC2 territories on GF dendrites are established early in development
(A) Maximum intensity projections of GF (green) 36 hAPF (left), 60 hAPF (middle), and in adult (right) with the VPN dendritic region highlighted in yellow at distinct developmental stages. Scale bar, 20μm.
(B) Quantification GF lateral dendrite volume from (A). Unpaired Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 1.339 x 10−18), Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test post hoc, * = p < .05 as compared to 24 hAPF, + = p < .05 as compared to 36 hAPF, # = p < .05 as compared to 48 hAPF, and % = p < .05 as compared to adult. N > 13 hemibrains from > 10 flies.
(C) Quantification of maximum dendrite extension length across the medial-lateral axis. Unpaired Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 2.072 x 10−12), Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test post hoc, * = p < .05 compared to 24 hAPF, + = p < .05 compared to 36 hAPF, # = p < .05 compared to 48 hAPF.
(D,E) Left, maximum intensity projections of GF (green) with respect to LC4 (red, D), and LPLC2 (magenta, E) axonal membrane at distinct developmental stages. Right, maximum intensity projections of GF with VPN colocalized pixels (orange) superimposed along GF dendrites. Arow and arrowheads indicate divergent dorsal and ventral VPN axons, respectively. Scale bar, 20μm.
(F,G) Quantification of colocalization in (D,E) with colors corresponding to VPN type. Unpaired Kruskal-Wallis test (LC4, p = 2.088 x 10−12; LPLC2, p = 1.983 x 10−10), Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test post hoc, * = p < .05 as compared to 36 hAPF, + = p < .05 as compared to 60 hAPF, # = p < .05 as compared to 72 hAPF. N > 6 hemibrains from > 3 flies.
(H,I) 3D renderings of GF lateral dendrites (green) with LPLC2 (H, magenta) or LC4 (I, red) colocalized pixels superimposed at distinct timepoints during development. Scale bar, 20μm. D - dorsal, V – ventral, M – medial, L – lateral.
(J) Histograms of the spatial distribution of LC4 and LPLC2 contacts along the normalized medial-lateral GF dendrite axis across development; colors are the same as in (H, I). N are as stated in (F,G).