Combination of Sulfopin and Vorinostat elicits robust downregulation of oncogenic pathways
(A) Timeline demonstrating the treatment protocol for the combination of Sulfopin and Vorinostat.
(B) Percentage of cell viability, as measured by CellTiterGlo of SU-DIPG13 cells treated with Sulfopin and Vorinostat at the indicated concentrations, compared to DMSO.
(C) BLISS index measured as the ratio between the observed and the expected effect of the combination of Sulfopin and Vorinostat, for each pair of concentrations, in SU-DIPG13.Synergy: Bliss <1, Additive: Bliss=1, Antagonist: Bliss>1.
(D) Cell viability as measured by CellTiterGlo, of eight DMG cultures treated with Sulfopin (0uM, 2.5uM, 5uM, 10uM, 20uM and 40uM) and Vorinostat (1uM), compared to DMSO. H3.3-K27M and H3.1-K27M cultures are indicated in blue and orange, respectively. Mean±SD of two technical replicates is shown. H3.3-K27M cells showed higher sensitivity to the combined treatment compared to H3.1-K27M cells.
(E) The BLISS index of the combination of Sulfopin (10uM) and Vorinostat (1uM), in the indicated cultures. An additive effect was detected in all the H3.3-K27M cultures at this set of concentrations.
(F) Pearson correlation coefficient matrix of BLISS index of the combined treatment (Sulfopin (10uM) and Vorinostat (1uM)) and mRNA levels of MYC and its target genes, in the eight DMG cultures tested. mRNA levels were measured by RT-qPCR (Fig. S2F-G). Blue and yellow colors indicate negative or positive correlation, respectively. Negative correlation was detected between the BLISS indexes and the expression levels of MYC and its target genes.
(G) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of expression levels of 620 significantly DE genes detected in SU-DIPG13 cells treated with either Sulfopin (10uM, 8 days), Vorinostat (1uM, 72 hours), the combination of Sulfopin and Vorinostat or DMSO. Gene expression rld values (log2 transformed and normalized) were standardized for each gene (row) across all samples. Color intensity corresponds to the standardized expression, low (blue) to high (red). Clusters 1 and 4 demonstrate additive transcriptional patterns associated with the combined treatment.
(H) Top: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) on SU-DIPG13 treated with combination of 10uM Sulfopin and 1uM Vorinostat compared to DMSO, showing significant downregulation of mTORC1 signaling (‘HALLMARK_MTORC1_SIGNALING’ geneset119) in the combined treatment. NES: Normalized Enrichment Score. FDR: false discovery rate. Bottom: Expression levels of significantly DE genes detected in the combined treatment compared to DMSO that are part of the mTORC1 signaling geneset. MTOR gene was added manually to the heat-map. Heatmaps were generated as described in B.
(I) Top: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) on SU-DIPG13 treated as in C, showing significant downregulation of the epigenetic BMI-1 pathway and the oncogenic cAMP pathway in the combined treatment (BMI1_DN.V1_UP; CAMP_UP.V1_UP; MSigDB C6 oncogenic signature120,121). Bottom: Expression levels of significantly DE genes detected in the combined treatment compared to DMSO that are part of the BMI-1 and cAMP genesets. Heatmaps were generated as in described B.
(J) Western blot of SU-DIPG13 treated either with Sulfopin (10uM, 8 days), Vorinostat (1uM, 72 hours), the combination of Sulfopin and Vorinostat or DMSO, using the indicated antibodies. β-tubulin is used as loading control.