ATP-induced pCx43(S368) levels and the conductance of gap junctions varies according to CT.
CT-dependent changes in phosphorylated Cx43 (pCx43). (A–D) Cultured astrocytes, with (C, D) or without (A, B), circadian clock synchronization were treated with 100 µM ATP and processed for Western blot analysis at the indicated times. Vinculin, GAPDH, and/or β-tubulin (TUBB) served as loading controls. The intensity of pCx43(S368) and Cx43 for each sample was normalized to that of Vinculin. (A, B) Cx43 phosphorylation in unsynchronized cultured astrocytes at different times (0, 5, 15, 30 minutes) after stimulation with ATP. (A) Representative Western blot image (from more than three independent experiments). Vinculin served as a loading control. (B) Densitometric quantification of Western blot data, showing relative pCx43(S368)/Cx43 levels. Values are normalized to those for mock-treated samples at time zero (defined as 1). (C, D) Cx43 phosphorylation in SS-synchronized cultured astrocytes at CT22 and CT34 at different times (0, 5, and 15 minutes) after stimulation with ATP. (C) Representative Western blot image (from more than three independent experiments). Vinculin, GAPDH, and β-tubulin (TUBB) served as loading controls. (D) Densitometric quantification of Western blot data, showing relative pCx43(S368)/Cx43 levels. Values are normalized to those for mock-treated samples at time zero for CT22 (defined as 1). (E, F) Changes in Cx43 phosphorylation in vivo. Mice were entrained to a 12-hour light/dark cycle followed by constant dark conditions. At the indicated CTs, the prefrontal cortex area was dissected and processed for Western blot analysis. (E) Representative Western blot image (from three independent experiments). (E) Densitometric quantification of Western blot data showing relative levels of pCx43(S368). (G-L) Circadian rhythm of cultured astrocytes from (G-I) WT and (J-L) Bmal1-/- mice were synchronized by SS. At the indicated CT, gap-FRAP was performed. (G and J) Representative time-lapse images of prebleaching, bleaching and recovery condition during gap-FRAP analysis at CT22 and CT34. (H and K) Ft/F0 values over time following photobleaching (yellow rectangle). (I and L) Recovery % values, calculated from panel H and L, respectively. (G-L) CT22, n = 15; CT34, n = 11. (J-L) CT22, n = 9; CT34, n = 9. Values in graphs are means ± SEMs (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005, and ****p < 0.00005; independent t-test). See also S5-S6.