Progenitor population analysis for mb1-cre driven YFP expression.
We analyzed YFP expression in BM progenitors to determine when and where mb1-Cre is active (representative plots shown). (A) Lineage negative cells were analyzed to examine LSK Hematopoietic progenitor (Lin-, Sca-1+, c-Kit+), MPP (LSK, Flt3int), and LMPP (LSK, Flt3hi), populations. Virtually all cells were YFP-. (B) Myeloid Dendritic Progenitors (MDP; Lin-, IL7Rα-, Flt3+, c-kithi, Sca1-) and (C) Common Dendritic Cell Progenitors (CDP; Lin-, IL7Ra-, Flt3+, c-kitlo, Sca1-, CD115+) were also negative for YFP expression, while (D) Common Lymphoid Progenitors (CLP; Lin-, IL7Ra+, Flt3+, c-kitlo, Sca1lo) contained YFP+ cells. The results are representative of three independent experiments each containing at least three mice per group.