The computational mechanisms underlying the nonlinear feedback modulation in decision-making.
(A) The averaged activity of units in the target module of the example RNN, after the feedback connections were ablated, is shown separately for different saccade directions and coherence levels. (B) The averaged saccade DS in the target module of the example RNN after full feedback ablation. (C) The averaged saccade DS in the target module of the full-model RNNs, RNNs without feedback connections, and RNNs with shuffled feedback connections. (Paired t-test: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; n.s., not significant). (D-G) The evolution of the averaged energy landscapes was shown over time. A numerical approximation of the energy landscape in the 1-D decision (saccade choice) subspace is constructed for both full-model RNNs and RNNs with various types of projection-specific inactivation. Each plot represents the averaged results of 50 RNNs, where Position 0 signifies the SVM decision boundary, and the vertical dashed line marks the time of motion stimulus onset. Unvisited portions of the state space are left blank as there is no gradient or potential estimate. (H-k) Averaged numerical estimate of energy landscapes for trials with different task difficulty levels (motion coherence). Results from two different saccade choices were average together. Only the potential values at positions continuously visited by four or more models were retained. Shaded areas denote ±SEM.