Figures and data
The single modification on the antagonistic 2-node network causes the collapse of the cell polarization pattern.
(a) Basic network with the interface region shaded by grey. (b) Two subtypes of single-sided self-regulation. (c) Four subtypes of single-sided additional regulation. (d) Two subtypes of unequal system parameters, exemplified by unequal inhibition intensity and unequal cytoplasmic concentration. For each network, the corresponding concentration distribution of [Am] and [Pm] at t = 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 are shown beneath with a color scheme listed in the bottom left corner. Note that within a network, normal arrows and blunt arrows symbolize activation and inhibition respectively.
The combination of two opposite modifications recovers the stability of the cell polarization pattern.
The basic network and the ones added with a single modification are shown in the 1st and 2nd columns respectively; the three combinatorial networks composed of any two of the three single modifications are shown in the 3rd column. For each network, the corresponding concentration distribution of [Am] and [Pm] at t = 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 are shown beneath with a color scheme listed on the right. Here, the value assignments on the modifications in the 3rd column are as follows:
The detailed balance between system parameters is needed for maintaining pattern stability.
(a) The phase diagram between
Adopting parameter sets corresponding to opposite interface velocities on two sides of the interface, the stability of the polarity pattern recovers, with a regulable zero-velocity solution of the interface localization.
(a) Spatially uniform parameters of a symmetric 2-node network generate a symmetric pattern. (b) Using the parameter combination with the posteriorshifting interface on the left and anterior-shifting interface on the right, a stable polarity pattern can also be obtained by increasing
The molecular interaction network in C. elegans zygote and its natural advantages in terms of pattern stability, viable parameter sets, balanced network configuration, and parameter robustness.
(a) The schematic diagram of the network is composed of five molecules or molecular complexes, each of which has a polarized concentration distribution on the cell membrane shown beneath. Note that within the network, normal arrows and blunt arrows symbolize activation and inhibition respectively. (b-d) The structure of 4-Node, LGL-1−, and WT networks (1st row). The final concentration distribution averaged over all established viable parameter sets for each molecule, shown by a solid line (2nd row). For each position, MEAN ± STD (i.e., standard deviation) calculated with all viable parameter sets is shown by shadow. The moving velocity of the pattern (3rd row). For each subfigure in 3rd row, a unique color represents the simulation of a viable parameter set, and
The control of the interface velocity and position by adjusting parameters in a multidimensional system.
(a) The parameter space and the linear relationship between interface velocity and parameters. The discrete parameter space of WT is fitted by a blue curved surface to represent its null surface. The benchmark point P* and its neighborhood are marked by an orange cube (top). Centering on the benchmark point P*(γ = 0.039, k1 = 1.55, q2 = 0.05), the relationship between the velocity interface and parameters is shown by slice planes orthogonal to the γ-axis at the values 0.034, 0.036, 0.038, 0.04, 0.042, and 0.044. (b-d) As in Fig. 4, the control of the interface position by spatially inhomogeneous parameters can be applied to the realistic C. elegans network. (b) Using P*(γ* = 0.039,
The initial state at t = 0 (shown on the left) and stable state at t = 500 (shown in the middle) of the cell polarization pattern generated by the simple 2-node network and C. elegans 5-node network (shown on the right).
Note that the concentration distribution on the cell membrane (c) is averaged over all established viable parameter sets for each molecule (i.e., 122 sets for the simple 2-node network and 602 sets for the C. elegans 5-node network).
The in silico perturbation experiments on [L] based on the C. elegans modeling framework.
(a) The final concentration distribution of [A] and [C] on the cell membrane generated by C. elegans mutant networks with depletion on [P] (2nd column), [L] (3rd column), or both (4th column), in comparison with the one generated by C. elegans wild-type network (1st column). (b) The pattern error in C. elegans mutant networks with depletion on [P], [L], or both (shown from left to right), compared to the pattern in C. elegans wild-type network. (c) The final concentration distribution of [A] and [C] on the cell membrane generated by C. elegans mutant networks with depletion on [P] (2nd column), depletion on [P] but overexpression of [L] ([LC] from 1 to 1.5) (3rd column), and depletion on both [P] and [H] but overexpression of [L] ([LC] from 1 to 1.5) (4th column), in comparison with the one generated by C. elegans wild-type network (1st column). (d) The pattern error in C. elegans mutant networks with depletion on [P] or both [P] and [H] but overexpression of [L] ([LC] from 1 to 1.5), compared to the pattern in C. elegans wild-type network. For (a)(c), the final concentration distribution on the cell membrane generated by the C. elegans wild-type network (1st column) is illustrated with dashed lines in the C. elegans mutant networks (2nd ~ 4th column) as a comparative reference. Note that within a network, normal arrows and blunt arrows symbolize activation and inhibition respectively. For (b)(d), the pattern error is shown by a bar chart with the average of all viable parameter sets, while the values from each viable parameter set are plotted with gray dots then the ones from the same viable parameter set but in different networks are connected with gray lines.
The 34 possible additional feed loops between LGL-1 (abbr., [L]) and PAR-3/PAR-6/PKC-3 (abbr., [A]) or PAR-1/PAR-2 (abbr., [P]).
Note that within a network, normal arrows and blunt arrows symbolize activation and inhibition respectively, while dashed lines mean no regulation.
(a) The progress bar showing the running progress. (b) The output subfolders in the folder “PolarSim”.
The results of Example 1 (Simple Antagonistic 2-Node Network) and Example 2 (C. elegans Wild-Type 5-Node Network) of PolarSim.
(a) The flow chart for computing Example 1: ① input parameters; ② click “Run”; ③ the simulation is completed with a progress bar shown and the files are saved in the folder “Output 2-Node”; the file “Pattern_500.mat” is used to show the data format in the right, where the first part stores the name and location of the nodes (molecules) while the second part stores the concentration distribution of each node (molecule) on the cell membrane; ④ input the pathway of the outputted pattern file; ⑤ click “Plot”; ⑥ the simulation is completed with a figure shown and the position of the transition plane given in the box “Output: Transition Plane”; ⑦ input the pathway of the two outputted files “Pattern_*.mat” at different time points into “Import: Start Time” and “Import: End Time”, where “*” denotes the start time and end time respectively; ⑧ click “Run”; ⑨ the simulation is completed with the interface velocity given in the box “Output: Interface Velocity”. (b) The same as (a) but for the C. elegans Wild-Type 5-Node Network.
The results of Example 3 (LGL-1 Mutant 4-Node Network) of PolarSim.
(a) The transition plane is shown at t = 500, with a result of XT = 0.207071. The interface velocity is calculated between t = 300 and t = 500, with the value vI = 0.000429293 representing an unstable pattern (top). The figure is plotted at t = 500 (bottom). (b) The transition plane and the figure are shown at t = 1000 and the interface velocity is calculated between t = 800 and t = 1000. The pattern collapses to a homogeneous state with [A] and [C] invading the posterior domain at t = 1000, and thereby the transition plane doesn’t exist and the interface can’t be calculated.
The effects of cell size (length) on the cell polarization pattern.
(a-e) The pattern of Simple Antagonistic 2-Node Network at t = 500. From left to right, the cell lengths are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5, respectively. (f-j) The same as (a-e) but for the C. elegans Wild-Type 5- Node Network.