Integrating scRNA and snRNA-seq enables detection of outer and inner wall transcriptomes.
A. snRNA-seq of C57BL/6J limbal tissue identifies similar cell types as the sc RNA-seq but captures more endothelial cells (left panel). Expression of Egfl7 and Cdh5 in snRNA-seq endothelial cells (right panel). B. Integration of sc and snRNA-seq endothelial cells followed by sub-clustering identifies BECs, LECs, IW SECs, OW SECs, and CC. Integration of sc- and sn- RNA sequencing shows distribution across clusters (bottom panel). C. Heatmap of differentially expressed genes of the identified sub-clusters. D. SECs and LEC sub-clusters identified in B, expressing Prox1. In the SEC cluster, IW cells express Npnt and OW cells Selp, CCs express Ackr1 and BECs robustly express Flt1. IW: Inner wall, OW: Outer wall, CC: Collector channels, BEC: Blood endothelial cell, LEC: Lymphatic endothelial cell, SEC: Schlemm’s canal endothelial cell.